How I stepped on the path of self-healing

I had a medical trauma at 24 years old.

At the time, I was a philosophy student back in my home country in Hungary. I had very different plans for my future than holistic therapies. Just before I graduated though, something traumatic happened to me, and I started struggling with chronic pain, depression and PTSD.

At first, I didn't fully understand what happened to me and the reasons behind my symptoms. For a long time, I was trying to get some answers from conventional medical practitioners. After a year of going from one doctor to another and having all kinds of physical tests done - some quite invasive and triggering - I started looking for alternative options. This is when I came across homeopathy.

My first appointment was an in-person appointment with a homeopath in Budapest. She thoroughly questioned me and actively listened to me describing my symptoms and feelings for about an hour. Then, at the end of the consultation, she gave me a few little white pills to place under my tongue once I'm back home.

Even though homeopathy didn't make all my problems go away at once, I had a big trauma release immediately after taking my first remedy. Homeopathy gave me a great deal of hope, and also the strength and confidence to continue treatment, and move to the UK.

More than a decade passed since then. Over the years I have been using homeopathy for various different ailments, ranging from acute to chronic, physical to mental/emotional. Through my on-going explorations with homeopathy, I also became a lot more self-aware, body-aware and self-reliant. I continue supporting myself not only with homeopathy, but with regular psychotherapy and massage therapy sessions, meditation and weight training.

How I can help you heal yourself

There are some important things that I have learned from my own journey and my clients' experiences. These include:

- Homeopathy can be helpful in treating any and all symptoms and any and all health conditions, diagnosed or un-diagnosed, mental or physical. This doesn't mean that homeopathy can heal everything or that it can replace conventional medicine in all situations.

- Healing is a complex issue, and while we might experience symptom relief most of the time, there are times when nothing can help us move past our symptoms.

- Homeopathic remedies can work alongside conventional medications without hindering their effects in any way, as they work on a different level. I always encourage clients to use conventional medication when they are really needed. But I also encourage them to try using natural methods instead whenever it's appropriate - this helps to minimise side effects and support long-term wellbeing. Only you can make the decision what is best for you in the moment as each situation is unique.

- It takes time for your symptoms to develop, sometimes many months, years or even decades. Homeopathy can often bring immediate relief, but most of the time, clients need a few consultations to shift their chronic health problems.

- Symptom-relief is a lot more likely to achieve if you are trying to take good care of yourself and have an interest in bettering yourself, both physically and mentally/emotionally. Good nutrition and adequate amount of rest and exercise are extremely important. If there are some obstacles in your way, I'm happy to help you remove them with homeopathy and coaching.


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