My story

I trained at SDSH in Chichester

I studied at South Downs School of Homeopathy in Chichester. My education was mainly classical homeopathy, with plenty of non-classical modules. As part of my training, I completed 40 hours case study sessions and 100 hours clinical observation. I continue doing CPD training as with homeopathy there are always new things to learn and new depths to explore.

I'm from Hungary

I grew up in Budapest. My family still lives in Hungary. We mainly keep in touch over the phone, but I also fly back home sometimes. I moved to the UK in 2013, when I was 25. I came here to work and study, and haven't really stopped either of those things since. 

Homeopathy found me in 2013

Back home, I was a philosophy graduate and had very different plans for my future than holistic therapies. Just before I graduated though, something traumatic happened to me, and I started struggling with chronic pain and anxiety. It was a year after that when I found homeopathy.

Even though homeopathy didn't make all my problems go away at once, I had a big trauma release when I took my first remedy. Homeopathy gave me a great deal of hope, and also the strength and confidence to continue treatment, and move to the UK. 

I'm also a massage therapist

A few months into receiving homeopathic treatment, I realised that homeopathy was what I wanted to do for the rest of my life. But it took me a while to be able to start a four-year course. So I learnt other holistic modalities in the meantime. I first got trained in Reiki, massage and reflexology, and I have been working as an alternative therapist since 2017. Over the years, I was fortunate enough to see hundreds of clients from all walks of life, which gave me a great basis for homeopathic practice. I still continue seeing clients for all the above treatments, in-between homeopathic consultations. 

I'm child-free, but...

I love children. I especially love working with them. I feel that as a child-free person, I have extra time and energy to help those who are raising children. A big part of my calling is to help children and young people to realise their bodies' own healing abilities, and to lead the most drug-free lives possible.

In my freetime, I love...

Spending time with my chosen family is probably number one on the list. If you follow me on instagram, you know that I also love being in nature (especially amongst pine, yew and other large trees) and exercising and moving my body. I can be quite studious at times, and can often be found behind a book on homeopathy, nutrition, anthroposophy, shamanism, and the like. I have a natural interest in spirituality, and I also like to take deep dives into exploring my creativity.